Get instant access to a fun digital therapy app to help your child self manage their worries.

Free for families in Herefordshire & Worcestershire

This service will not be monitored by clinicians - for direct support, please seek support through your child’s school or GP.

Lumi Nova is for 7-12 year olds experiencing mild to moderate anxiety. It is not recommended for use with children who have severe anxiety, are in crisis, have suicidal thoughts or are at risk of self harming without clinical supervision. See Instructions For Use.

NHS Herefordshire & Worcestershire are providing free access to Lumi Nova to families living in Herefordshire and Worcestershire to support children to build skills around managing anxiety, worries and fears.

How it works

1. Register for free

Click on the “Get Lumi Nova now” button to register for access.

2. Receive a text message to get started

You’ll immediately receive a text message with a link to get started. You’ll need to complete a short 4 question survey about how your child is doing. You’ll then receive a second text message with your unique Game Key and a download link.

3. Download the free app and enter your Game Key

Download the Lumi Nova app onto the (iOS/Android) mobile or tablet device you want your child to use and enter your unique game key to start your journey! Keep your Game Key safe and make sure NOT to share it with your child as you’ll need it to unlock and approve certain challenges in the game!

Game Keys not activated within 4 weeks may be deactivated without warning.

4. Shortlist 3 goals for your child before handing over the device.

To set up the game you’ll first need to shortlist 3 goals for your child. Your child doesn’t need to complete all 3, but will help your child choose the goal that they want to work on.

5. Schedule a regular time 2-3 days a week to support your child as they play.

Find a quiet place to sit with your child as they use Lumi Nova - The first session will take 30-40 minutes to complete but following sessions will only take 10-15 minutes.

“I noticed a huge change in how she deals with things” says Marie, “and she will link back what she has learned from playing the game to being able to deal with life’s little annoyances in a much better way.”

— Marie (Mum to Ruby, aged 10)

A fun way for children to learn timeless skills on how to break down big goals and self manage their worries.

NHS Herefordshire & Worcestershire are providing families living in Herefordshire and Worcestershire free access to Lumi Nova; a digital therapy in the format of a mobile app to help children and young people learn to self-manage, reduce symptoms of anxiety, build resilience and thrive.

Backed by science

  • Facilitates graded exposures - based on CBT - proven to be the most effective treatment for anxiety

  • NICE recommended for children with mild to moderate anxiety

  • Supported by the NHS

Who is Lumi Nova for?

Lumi Nova: Tales of Courage is a digital therapeutic that helps with the symptoms of worries or anxiety for children aged 7-12 years with mild to moderate needs, helping them learn skills to self-manage their worries/anxiety in an engaging intergalactic adventure game (app).

This app facilitates CBT (including psychoeducation and exposure therapy) recommended as a treatment intervention by NICE Anxiety disorders Quality standard and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of anxiety disorders.

Lumi Nova is not intended to be used by:

  • Young people who do not have parent, carer, guardian or trusted adult supervision

  • Young people who are currently experiencing suicidal thoughts or are at risk of self harm

  • Young people that have severe anxiety or are in crisis

  • Young people with severe mental health symptoms or diagnoses, who are not supported by a healthcare professional.

The Science Behind Lumi Nova

Lumi Nova was developed with NHS clinicians and leading academics at the Anxiety & Depression in Young People Clinic based at the University of Reading. 

It is based on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy which is proven to be a highly effective treatment.

Lumi Nova is CE marked and registered with the MHRA. It adheres to strict standards of clinical safety and cyber security.

The Beta version of Lumi Nova was  trialled in 2020 in partnership with Southwark Council and MindTech. 12 schools, 90 young people and their parents took part.

Key results: 

  • In just 8 weeks, children who used Lumi Nova experienced a reduction in their anxiety symptoms across all domains of anxiety; generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, panic disorder and phobias.

  • Users who played Lumi Nova more frequently showed a greater reduction in anxiety symptoms.

  • Significant engagement and treatment adherence levels particularly with the therapeutic elements of the game.

  • Treatment gains for both genders and users at the younger and older end of the target age group.

  • Lumi Nova is a safe intervention to treat the symptoms of anxiety in children.

How Lumi Nova works

  • Shortlist 3 goals today with your child from a list of 15 different goals related to separation anxiety, social anxiety and phobias.

  • Goals are broken down into smaller, manageable challenges that gradually get harder.

  • Complete in-game challenges to help build confidence before tackling real life challenges.

  • Learn about anxiety and how to face fears and worries through fun, story based psycho-education

  • Complete worry scale scores before and after every challenge to record your progress

  • Only one challenge can be completed per day & game play is limited to avoid binge gaming