Research and evidence

The first MHRA registered digital therapeutic mobile game

Lumi Nova is a Class 1 medical device, registered with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

Our products adhere to strict standards of clinical safety and data security.

Child, age 9

“I’d recommend Lumi Nova because it was really fun to play and it teaches you not to be scared or worry.”

Backed by evidence

Lumi Nova provides instant access to an evidence based, NICE recommended treatment called exposure therapy.

What is Exposure Therapy?

Exposure therapy is a technique used by therapists to help young people learn to cope with their fears and worries using graded exposures.

It works by breaking down a worry or feared scenario into small manageable steps that start easy and gradually get harder.

  • Evidence-based treatment

  • Proven to be the most effective treatment for anxiety

  • Few children have access

My daughter chose to work on the goal of sleeping in her own bed all night. She is achieving this most nights now, and understands how to work on a goal in small stages.”

Parent of an anxious child

Our partners & health advisors

  • Dr. Pauline Whelan

    Co-Director GM.Digital & Digital Health Technical Lead, Digital Health Software Team.

  • Dr. Sally Harris

    The Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital Paediatric Clinical and Health Psychologist

  • Dr. Claire Hill

    University of Reading, Anxiety & Depression in YP Research Clinic, Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Postdoctoral Researcher.

  • Dr. Jen Martin

    Programme Director at MindTech. Member of NHS England’s Expert Reference Group for Digital Innovation and Adoption. NICE advisor.

Lumi Nova’s research and development was funded by the NHS via the SBRI Healthcare Programme. It has been co-created with clinicians, mental health professionals, award winning product designers and game designers, schools, parents and children and young people.

— Sharon (Mollie's mum)

“We were in the park and Mollie spotted the dog. She actually suggested that we go over. Before she would have been clambering on me! You can see that she’s confronting the fear. With Mollie there’s a lot about what’s going on in her head. The fact that she was trying to deal with it, for me that’s a big thing.”

Lumi Nova pilot study

Lumi Nova is a MHRA registered, CE marked digital therapeutic intervention. Research and development was funded by the NHS.

Lumi Nova was trialled in 2020 in partnership with Southwark Council and MindTech in 12 schools where 90 young people and their parents took part.

Effectiveness, User Engagement and Experience, and Safety of a Mobile App (Lumi Nova) Delivering Exposure-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Strategies to Manage Anxiety in Children via Immersive Gaming Technology: Preliminary Evaluation Study.

Outcomes of Providing Children Aged 7-12 Years With Access to Evidence-Based Anxiety Treatment Via a Standalone Digital Intervention Using Immersive Gaming Technology: Real-World Evaluation.

Key Results:

In just 8 weeks, children who used Lumi Nova experienced a reduction in their anxiety symptoms across all domains of anxiety.

Children who played Lumi Nova more frequently showed a greater reduction in anxiety symptoms.

Significant engagement and treatment adherence levels particularly with the therapeutic elements of the game.

Treatment gains for both genders and users at the younger and older end of the target age group.

Lumi Nova is a safe intervention to treat the symptoms of anxiety in children.

Read the preliminary evaluation report on JMIR

Key aspects of CBT and gamification to treat children with anxiety 

Statistically significant small to medium improvements in goal-based outcome scores and Child Outcome Rating Scale.

Read the full report on JMIR

(Evidence Review Summary 2017)

Read report

“It is a slow process but she is getting there. Her fear of us leaving the house at night has gone which is amazing.”

Kelly (Abbie's mum)