Lumi Nova: Tales of Courage
A GP’s guide to using Lumi Nova: Digital Therapeutic Intervention for children with anxiety
Recommending Lumi Nova
Targeted at: 7 - 12 year olds
Having mild to moderate difficulties with: Fears, worries, anxiety, stress
Physiological symptoms include: Headaches, abdominal pain, sleep disturbance, food and eating related issues
When a Child: (any of the following apply)
Does not meet clinical threshold for CAMHS
Referred to CAMHS but awaiting assessment or treatment
Not engaging with other mental health services
Discharged from CAMHS within the last year
Not suitable for:
Young people who do not have parent, carer, guardian or trusted adult supervision
Young people who are currently experiencing suicidal thoughts or are at risk of self harm
Young people that have severe anxiety or are in crisis
Young people with severe mental health symptoms or diagnoses, who are not supported by a healthcare professional.
Disabilities preventing them from using a mobile device
Recommended usage: ~30 mins 2-3 times a week for 8-12 weeks
Benefits of using Lumi Nova
Instant access to highly effective therapy (CBT-based)
Facilitates psychoeducation & exposure therapy (highly effective for common mental health conditions inc. social, separation anxiety, phobias)
Development funded by NHS England
CE marked medical device (MHRA)
Works on most smartphones and tablets (iOS and Android)
Giving access
Onboarding parents and children
Playing Lumi Nova helps children face their fears, build confidence & resilience
The child will need parent/guardian’s help to download and start playing the game.
There’s a variety of challenges in the game and some are out of the game.
Parent/guardian will receive SMS notifications prompting them to support their child in planning the out of game challenges.
Have a question or need support?
Lumi Nova is designed to help children and young people with mild to moderate levels of anxiety. If your child struggles with worry, they may seem to fear the worst in specific situations, they may lack the confidence to cope with new challenges in those situations, and they may even often complain of tummy aches, muscle aches, or headaches in response to a specific worry.
Lumi Nova is not suitable to help children or young people with complex needs or whose generalised worry prevents them from participating in most day-to-day activities.
Not suitable for:
Young people who do not have parental or carer supervision
Young people who are currently experiencing suicidal thoughts or are at risk of self harm
Young people that have severe anxiety or are in crisis
Young people with severe mental health symptoms or diagnoses, who are not supported by a healthcare professional.
Disabilities preventing them from using a mobile device